with the collaboration of Iranian Food Science and Technology Association (IFSTA)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Fisheries, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. Gorgan, Iran.

2 Gorgan Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources-Faculty of Fisheries and Environment-Aquatic Processing Department

3 Polymer Engineering, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute (IPPI), P.O. Box: 14965/115, Tehran, Iran.


Introduction: The importance of maintenance and supply fresh fish instead of frozen due to the consumers interested in fresh fish is highly regarded. Titanium dioxide is a non-toxic nanoparticle that the American Food and Drug Administration approve its using at levels that are in contact with food. The antimicrobial and anti-fungal effects of this nanoparticle have been proven in a wide range of microorganisms (Saito et al, 1999).The use of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in polyethylene and polypropylene coatings has been investigated. The results showed that this nanoparticle, in addition to reducing the oxidation content of the package, could be effective in reducing silicone recovery of polyethylene and polypropylene in nature (Manangan et al, 2010). Rainbow trout is one of the most widely consumed breeding fish in Iran. Due to the high production and consumption of this fish, it is vital to take the necessary measures to maintain quality and increase its shelf-life. Therefore, this research was conducted to investigate the effect of titanium dioxide nanoparticle polyethylene packaging on quality and shelf-life of rainbow trout fillets during storage in a refrigerator.

Material and methods: Chemical (Peroxide value (PV) )Pearson,1997(., Tiobarbioritic acid (TBA) (Egan et al., 1997(, total volatile basic-nitrogen (TVB-N) (Pearson, 1997), pH), microbial (Total viable, Total viable counts, psychrophilic counts, lactic acid bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae) and Sensory analysis of samples was calculated and determined. The results of ANOVA using SPSS 16 software analysis and comparison of data using Duncan's multiple range test was 0.05 Sensory evaluation and analysis of non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test was used to test.

Result and Discussion: The process of microbial changes in the rainbow trout fillet was increased, except for the psychrophilic bacteria that were in the packaged nanocomposite treatment until the 4th day of the growing trend and then until the end of the period was reduced. Nanocomposites containing titanium dioxide containing nanoparticles prevent the growth of pseudomonas. (Bodaghi et al, 2013).The total amount of all chemical factors during the storage period showed an increasing trend in both treatments except for the factor observed in the packed sample. The results showed that in the control sample, the sensitivity rating on the day 8 was kept to a limit of less than 4, while in the sample packed with the nanocomposite until the 16th day, the points were less than the limit and the color score on day 12 Limiting receipts. Fat oxidation and microbial decomposition, and the production of esophagus combustion agents and fish tissue were changed. The antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of the packaged sample resulted in prolonging the shelf life and maintaining the quality of the fillets until the 16th day. Sensory, chemical and microbiological analysis results showed that the rainbow trout shelf life in nanocomposite packaging is suitable for 16-18 days.


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