with the collaboration of Iranian Food Science and Technology Association (IFSTA)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of seafood Processing Group, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran.

2 Gorgan Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources-Faculty of Fisheries and Environment-Aquatic Processing Department


Introduction: One of the most important factors in the production of bread products is the frying process. Deep frying by moving a water mass separated from the product to the outside can cause deformation and fracture of the crust of bread products, therefore, This study aimed to evaluate the effect of adding edible wheat and oat dietary fibers and prevent deformation quality of shrimp analogue products, as a value-added product produced from surimi.

Materials and Methods: The shrimps analogue were produced of Hypophthalmichthys molitrix fish surimi by using a composite-molded method with preparation filament of surimi in five treatments including a fiber-free treatment and four others have 5 and 6 percent oats and wheat fiber; coating, pre-fried and were frozen. In order to perform experiments, the shrimp’s analogue were thawed and fried.

Results and Discussion: The results showed that the highest amount of moisture and the lowest amount of fat were in treatments containing 6% 49.06 and 5.51 wheat fiber respectively and 49.56 and 6.47 oat fiber respectively (p


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