with the collaboration of Iranian Food Science and Technology Association (IFSTA)

Document Type : Research Article


Department of Food Science and Technology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.


Introduction: Nowadays, consumers prefer foods produced without synthetic preservatives. These chemical preservatives have been gradually replaced by natural preservatives in formulation of edible films and coating. Since, edible films can be applied as carriers of antimicrobial agents, so, these aforementioned ingredients can be incorporated in such films. Among edible films, protein-based films such as whey protein concentrate (WPC)-based films are more attractive because they also supply valuable nutrients and introduce acceptable mechanical resistance. On the other hand, these films present moderate barriers to moisture due to the hydrophilic nature of whey proteins. Essential oils (Eos) can be incorporated in to edible films in order to compensate (overcome) this defect. Since no published research has been found on integrating mastic tree sap (Pistacia atlantica sub sp. kurdica) essential oil into whey protein edible films, this essential oil was applied for WPC-based film in this research. Some species belong to Penicillium have been known as contaminants of dairy and fruit products. Among Penicillium sp., P. expansum is more popular for causing post-harvest damage of apples. In this study, our objective was focused on mechanical and anti-fungal properties of WPC-based films incorporated with mastic gum essential oil.

Materials and methods: WPC, mastic tree sap and P. expansum were obtained from Multi Milk Company, Kurdistan mastic Gum Company and Persian Type Collection Culture, respectively. Extraction of EO from mastic gum was accomplished using water distillation or hydro distillation with the help of Clevenger-type apparatus for 5 hours to obtain a pale yellow oil. Solution (10%w/w) of WPC in distilled water was prepared. Glycerol (as plasticizer) was added to WPC solution at a ratio of 1:1 WPC: Glycerol. Then concentrations of EO (1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 ppm) was added to solution and mixed for 2 min. In the next step, some characteristics of film were measured including: thickness and density, water solubility, stability in acidic and alkaline solutions, water vapor permeability and light transmission / film transparency. Some mechanical properties of films such as tensile strength (TS) and elongation at break (%E) of films were also determined.
Regarding microbial assays, following the activation and preparation of fungi spore, MIC was determined using Agar Dilution Method. Determination of antimicrobial activity of film was performed according to film disk agar diffusion assay

Results & Discussion: With increasing essential oil concentration, film thickness exhibited increasing trend which was due to entrapment of micro-droplets of essential oil in film. Along with increasing EO concentration in film samples, WVP declined significantly (P-value


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