with the collaboration of Iranian Food Science and Technology Association (IFSTA)

Document Type : Research Article-en


1 Department of Food Processing, Research Institute of Food Science and Technology (RIFST), P.O. Box 91735-147, Mashhad, Iran.

2 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.


In this study, the functionality of Althaea officinalis mucilage (AOM) on cupcake quality and its potential use in retarding the staling process have been studied. For this purpose, the effects of different concentrations of AOM (0, 0.25, 0.5, and 1%) on some physical properties such as hardness and color and the sensory properties of cupcakes and their batter were determined. In general, the overall properties of cupcake were notably influenced by mucilage addition. The results demonstrated that the mucilage addition significantly (p<0.05) improved physical properties of cupcakes (moisture content, specific volume, and batter density and viscosity) compared with the control sample. Hardness during storage decreased significantly with the addition of mucilage. The results from the comparison of means for the color parameter, indicated that the lowest L* value and the highest L* of crust belonged to the control sample and those that featured 0.25 and 1% mucilage, respectively. The cakes with 0.75 and 1% mucilage obtained the highest scores of sensory analyses.


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