Document Type : Research Article
1 Associate Professor, Department of Agronomy and Plant breeding, Lahijan branch, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan, Iran
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Food Science and Technology, Lahijan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan, Iran,
3 3Msc graduated of Food Science and Technology, Lahijan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan, Iran
4 M.Sc graduated of Food Science and Technology, Lahijan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan, Iran
Bakery products such as cakes are consumed in a relatively large amount all over the world due to their ready to eat format. Among different foods, bakery products provide a great opportunity to use edible portions of seeds, vegetables or other unconventional food sources. On the other hand, cakes are susceptible to oxidation due to high amounts of fat and consequently reduce shelf life. Therefore, due to the high nutritional value of cake, improving its characteristics seems necessary. Wheat germ is the richest known source of vitamin E of plant origin. Consumption of wheat germ can prevent artery- clogging and also helps fight against free radical damage and procrastination are effective in the aging process of cells and preventing coronary disease. Despite the beneficial properties of wheat germ, it is difficult to keep it raw in the formulation of crops due to the presence of high unsaturated fatty acids and lipase enzymes. However, by performing thermal processes such as steam, fluidized substrate or thermal dryer, enzymes such as lipase and lipoxygenase can be deactivated. In this study, the effect of adding wheat germ as a rich source of fiber, tocopherols and essential fatty acids as well as ascorbyl palmitate as antioxidant compound on the qualitative and structural properties of cake was investigated.
Materials and Methods
In this study, five treatments of oil cake including control, ascorbyl palmitate (100 ppm), wheat germ (5, 10 and 15%), were prepared and physic-chemical properties including the moisture, firmness and volume of cake at the beginning of storage period, peroxide number and acidity during 14-day storage period were investigated. In order to evaluate the texture of the cake, texture analyzer was performed with dimensions of 25 mm and penetration of 50% in the sample at a speed of 2 mm/s and a 30-second stop between the first and second compressions. The specific volume of the produced samples and moisture of the middle part of the samples were measured 3 hours after baking.
Results and Discussion
The results showed that addition of L-ascorbyl palmitate had no significant effect on moisture content, hardness and cake volume. However, wheat germ increased hardness (in amounts more than 5%), decreased moisture content and specific volume of cake. Also, with increasing the amount of wheat germ, a significant decrease in peroxide and acidity of the samples were observed during the storage period. However, the values of the mentioned indices in the sample containing palmitate ascorbyl were lower than those containing wheat germ. According to the results, it seems that the sample containing 5% processed wheat germ can be recommended as a suitable formulation for cake enrichment.
Considering that oxidation of cakes and reduction shelf life in different type of cakes are probable due to the presence of considerable amounts of fatty acids, in this study the effect of adding L-ascorbyl palmitate as a common antioxidant and processed wheat germ due to its antioxidant behavior on the moisture content, hardness, specific volume, texture and shelf-life characteristics of the oil cake was investigated. The overall results show that by adding L-ascorbyl palmitate, there was no significant effect on moisture content, hardness and specific volume. However, processed wheat germ increased hardness (in amounts more than 5%), decreased moisture content and specific volume of cake. Also, with increasing the amount of wheat germ, a significant decrease in peroxide value and acidity of the cake was observed during the storage period. However, the values of moisture content, hardness and specific volume in the sample containing palmitate ascorbyl were lower than samples containing wheat germ. According to the results, it seems that sample containing 5% processed wheat germ can be recommended as a suitable formulation for cake enrichment and artificial antioxidant replacement.
Main Subjects
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