with the collaboration of Iranian Food Science and Technology Association (IFSTA)

Document Type : Research Article



Due to environmental risks generated by application of non-degradable and synthetic films, many researches have shown increasing tendency to edible coatings for storing food such as fruits and vegetables. Whey protein is considered one of the most common sources of edible coatings and its use has been studied in the current research. In this paper, the simultaneous effect of coating with whey protein and Zataria multiflora Boiss extract on the quality of peach kept in refrigerator has been studied. According to response surface methodology, were measured 20 treatments repeating 6 times in the center point and effects of the three factors including whey protein (2. 5 to 5 gr), Zataria multiflora Bioss extract (0 to 500 μL) and glycerol (0. 375 to 2. 25 gr) on the physicochemical characteristics, fungal decay and organoleptic traits of peach, were investigated in the condition 5±2 ̊C and 80% relative humidity during 21 days of storage. According to the results, by increasing Zataria multiflora Bioss extract concentration and whey protein of the coating, microbial decay and weight loss of the fruit was reduced and texture and soluble solids were conserved. Peel colour changes of the coated fruit was not significant compare to control and the coated samples had a light and bright colour. Coating peach resulted in natural ripening of the fruit and the coated fruits were softer and juicier than the fruits without any coating. The coating formulations had significant effect on TSS and TA. Optimized points of variables for achieving a coating with the maximum effect on shelf life improvement of peach (Prunus Persica cv. Anjiri) are: whey protein 4. 7475 gr, Zataria multiflora Bioss extract 498. 00 μL and glycerol 0. 6212 gr.


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