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نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


گروه باغبانی، دانشگاه صنعتی شاهرود.


در این پژوهش، ویژگی‌­­های کمی و کیفی قارچ تکمه‌­ای در دمای 4 درجه سانتی‌­گراد طی 35 روز نگهداری در بسته‌­بندی­‌های پلی‌­اتیلن و نانوکامپوزیت پلی‌­اتیلن-رس 5 درصد در ترکیب با اسانس خوشاریزه در سه غلظت 0، 50 و 100 میکرولیتر در لیتر بررسی شد. ارزیابی صفاتی ازقبیل کاهش وزن، سفتی بافت، نشت الکترولیت و محتوی مالون دی‌آلدیید، فعالیت آنزیم‌­های آنتی‌اکسیدانی، جمعیت میکروبی، شاخص قهوه­‌ای شدن، درصد باز شدن کلاهک‌­ها و بازارپسندی کلی قارچ‎های تکمه‌­ای در بسته‌­بندی­‌ها نشان داد که افزودن نانوذرات رس در بستر پلی‌­اتیلن اثر معنی‎داری بر افزایش دوره نگهداری نسبت به بسته‎­بندی پلی‌­اتیلن داشت. از طرف دیگر استفاده از اسانس خوشاریزه در هر دو غلظت 50 و 100 میکرولیتر در لیتر اثرات بهبوددهنده در حفظ ویژگی­‌های قارچ‌­ها در دوره نگهداری در هر دو نوع بسته‌­بندی نشان داد، بااین‌وجود، غلظت 100 میکرولیتر در لیتر اسانس خوشاریزه تأثیر بیشتری داشت. در کل، بسته‌­بندی قارچ­‌های تکمه‌­ای در نانو کامپوزیت پلی‌اتیلن-رس 5 درصد و استفاده از پوشش خوراکی  اسانس خوشاریزه با غلظت 100 میکرولیتر در لیتر برای افزایش دوره نگهداری این محصول همراه با حفظ کیفیت پس از برداشت و بازارپسندی پیشنهاد می­گردد.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Improving postharvest quality of button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) using polyethylene-clay nanocomposite packing and Echinophora cinerea essential oil coating

نویسندگان [English]

  • Seyfoallah Hamzeh-Kalkenari
  • Hojatollah Bodaghi
  • Ziba Ghasimi Hagh

Department of Horticulture, Shahroud University of Technology.

چکیده [English]

Introduction: Button mushrooms are the main edible mushrooms in Iran and the most important quality indicators of this fungus are the whiteness, having a glossy cap, straight stem, lack of brown spots. The mushroom has a higher respiration rate than other horticultural products and, due to the lack of natural protective cover to prevent water loss, its edible quality is rapidly lost. In the last decade, the use of polyethylene films to create a modified atmosphere and natural essential oils to extend the shelf life of crops has been greatly expanded. Mushrooms packaging Polymeric nanocomposites are two-phase systems comprising a polymeric matrix and inorganic nanoparticles. Clay nanoparticles are among the most widely studied nanoparticles. When added to the nanocomposite films, the clay nanoparticles increase the film strength and decrease the permeability of the nanocomposite film. Also, the incorporation of natural essential oils can greatly increase the post-harvest life and prevent deterioration. Recently, essentail oils have been widely used in various fields after harvesting fruits, flowers, and vegetables. So far, there has been no report on the combined use of nanocomposite films and plant essential oils on extending shelf life of buttom mushroom.
Materials and methods: Mushroom samples were obtained from Shahwar Company in shahrood. The experiment was conducted as a factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with 3 replications. The first factor Echinophora cinerea essential oil, was sprayed on the product at three levels of 0, 5 and 10 µl /l. The second factor was low-density polyethylene packaging films and 20 μm thick polyethylene-clay nanocomposite films. Subsequently, 100 g bottom mushrooms were packaged in the desired 25×20 cm films, the packed mushrooms were then transferred to 4± 1°C and relative humidity 90% storage conditions. Post-harvest qualitative traits were studied at 5-day intervals for 35 days. The studied traits were: tissue firmness, membrane permeability (electrolyte leakage), membrane lipid peroxidation (MDA), catalase and superoxide dismutase activity, microbial population, browning index, fungal opening percentage and fungal marketability.
Results and Discussion: Packed mushrooms in nanocomposite films with and withoutessential oils did not show a significant effect on weight loss during storage, which could be due to the effective performance of nanocomposite films in preventing water vapor and the creation of a favorable modified atmosphere in the microclimate space inside the packages. Tissue softening was delayed in packed mushrooms in nanocomposite films compared to polyethylene films, also coating of essential oil on packed mushrooms in nano films compared to polyethylene films. Polyethylene films had a significant effect on decreasing the firmness parameter during storage. Evaluation of the effect of essential oil coating and the packaging showed that the essential oil was effective in reducing electrolyte leakage and malondialdehyde content in both types of packaging with both concentrations, but the results were better with 100 μl /l. The change in membrane permeability and malondialdehyde content reflects membrane damage as the cellular oxidative damage of MDA content, which is a product of membrane lipid peroxidation, increases. The higher activity of catalase in the mushroom in nanocomposite films coated with essential oils indicates that the process of decay and aging in the mushroom tissue is delayed. The aerobic cells of the plant produce reactive oxygen species such as H2O2 against stress and their toxicity is eliminated by both types of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant systems. SOD enzyme activity was higher in mushroom packed in nanocomposite films and coated with essential oils than in polyethylene films alone. This enzyme acts as the basic scanengering enzyme for O-2 radicals and catalysis to H2O2 and O2. It seems that the lower permeability of nanocomposite films compared to polyethylene films leads to prevent oxygen entry to a certain extent and the lower activity of this enzyme reduces the browning of the mushroom caps. On the other hand, coating with essential oil has also reduced the browning rate. The marketability of mushroom in polyethylene packaging has decreased significantly since the 20th day of clay nanocomposite, while the marketability of mushroom in the packaging of nanocomposite and essential oil coatings was acceptable by the end of 35th day. The results of this study indicate that although for the better prevention of senescence and contamination of buttom mushrooms during storage at 4°C, use of essential oil in polyethylene packaging can be effective but change in the structure of polyethylene by adding 5% nanoclay, it was highly desirable to increase the shelf life of the mushroom by retaining the quantitative and qualitative characteristics.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus)
  • Polyethylene-clay nanocomposite
  • Echinophora cinerea essential oil
  • Postharvest life
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