نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی فارسی


گروه علوم و مهندسی صنایع غذایی، دانشکده کشاورزی، دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد، مشهد، ایران.


در این پژوهش، سینتیک خشک کردن، ساختار و رنگ کف خشک شده در فرآیند خشک کردن خامه شیر شتر به روش کف‌پوشی ارزیابی شد. بدین منظور فرآیند خشک کردن در 3 دمای 45، 60 و 75 درجه سانتی‌گراد و در 3 ضخامت 1، 3 و 5 میلی‌متر در یک خشک‌کن کابینتی غیرمداوم در قالب طرح مرکب مرکزی مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت. نتایج نشان داد که افزایش دما از ۴5 به 75 درجه سانتی‌گراد و کاهش ضخامت از 3 به 1 میلی‌متر به‌ترتیب منجر به کاهش 50 و 80 درصدی در زمان خشک شدن نمونه‌ها شد. ضریب نفوذ موثر کلی (Deff) نمونه‌های مورد آزمون نیز بین 10-10 ×۱1/8 تا 9-10 ×09/7 متر مربع بر ثانیه متغیر بود و افزایش دما منجر به افزایش معنی‌دار (سطح 95 درصد) ضریب نفوذ موثر نمونه‌ها شد. انرژی فعال‌سازی (Ea) نمونه‌های مورد آزمون در دامنه 59/25 تا 22/38 کیلوژول بر مول به‌دست آمد و ﻧﺘﺎﯾﺞ مقایسه میانگین‌ها نشان داد که با افزایش ضخامت کف، انرژی فعال‌سازی نمونه‌ها نیز افزایش یافت. 8 مدل نیز برای بررسی سینتیک خشک شدن نمونه‌ها مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت که در تمام حالت‌های خشک شدن کف از نظر دما و ضخامت، مدل‌های پیج و مدیلی با مقدار R2 بالای 99/0 و کمترین ریشه میانگین مربعات خطا دارای بهترین برازش با داده‌های آزمایشی بودند. بررسی تصاویر دیجیتالی نمونه‌ها نشان داد که در دماهای پایین، ساختار کف‌های خشک شده حالتی صاف داشتند و با افزایش دما، ساختار حالت غیرمسطح و متخلخل‌تری پیدا کردند. همچنین روند تغییرات پارامتر های ماتریس هم‌زمانی سطح خاکستری (GLCM) (انرژی، همبستگی و یکنواختی) نمونه‌ها با تغییرات دما و ضخامت تقریبا یکسان بود به‌طوری که افزایش دمای خشک شدن و کاهش ضخامت نمونه‌ها منجر به کاهش معنی‌دار (سطح 95 درصد) این پارامترها شد. افزایش ضخامت کف نیز در دماهای بالا منجر به کاهش شاخص قهوه‌ای شدن و در دماهای پایین منجر به افزایش شاخص قهوه‌ای شدن نمونه­ها گردید.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Drying kinetics of camel milk cream foam using foam mat drying and study its effect on the structure and color of the product

نویسندگان [English]

  • Morteza Kashaninejad
  • Seyed Mohammad Ali Razavi
  • Mohammad Reza Salahi

Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.

چکیده [English]

Introduction: One of the products that its production has not been investigated well and is an imported product is cream powder. Foam mat drying is a widespread technique to dehydrate liquid or semi-liquid foods with high viscosity, adhesion and high sugar content, which are usually difficult to dry. Evaluating moisture content over time is the first indication of how the drying process is performed and can be used as a tool to compare the drying behavior of food. The rate of drying, which is expressed as a function of time or moisture content, is also a very important parameter that helps to understand drying properties of a material. Color can also indicate chemical changes in food during the thermal process such as browning and caramelization. Therefore, since in the drying industry, process time, product quality, optimization and equipment design are directly affected by the rate of drying of food, hence, in this study, in the process of drying the camel milk cream by the foam mat drying method, drying operation at temperatures of 45, 60 ,and 75 °C and thicknesses of 1, 3 and 5 mm was performed in a non-continuous cabinet dryer to evaluate the kinetics of drying , structure and color of the dried foam.  
Materials and Methods: Camel milk cream was mixed with carboxymethyl cellulose (0.1%), cress seed gum (0.1%) and 80% whey protein concentrate (5%) at 25 ° C. After pasteurization, the samples were stirred with a mixer at a maximum speed of 1500 rpm (5 minutes) for proper aeration. The foam samples were poured into a plate in a thin layer with thicknesses of 1, 3 and 5 mm and then dried in a dryer at temperatures of 45, 60 and 75 ° C until a constant moisture was reached. The process treatments were performed in a completely randomized central composite design (CCD) (5 replications at the center point) for 2 variables at three levels. The effective diffusion coefficient was calculated based on the second Fick's law of diffusion. Then, using Arrhenius equation, which shows the relationship between temperature and effective diffusion coefficient, activation energy was also calculated. After the drying stage, in order to investigate the changes in moisture during the drying, by determining MR, we have used some experimental models that were previously used for drying agricultural products, to fit the experimental data using the statistical software MATLAB 2016.
Results and Discussion: The results showed that increasing the temperature from 45 to 75° C reduced the drying time of the samples by almost 50%. Reducing the thickness from 3 to 1 mm led to an 80% reduction in drying time of the samples. The overall effective diffusion coefficient of the tested samples varied between 7.09×10-10 and 8.11× 10-9  m2/s. The increase in the temperature led to an increase in the effective diffusion coefficient of the samples. The activation energy of the samples varied between 25.59 and 38.22 kJ /mol, and  comparison of the means showed that the activation energy of the samples was also increased by increasing the foam thickness. Totally, 17 models were evaluated to investigate the drying kinetics of the samlses and in all cases of foam drying , page and Midilli models with R2 values above than 0.99 and the lowest values of RMSE indicate the best fit with the experimental data among the 17 fitted model. Examining the digital images of the samples also showed that at low temperatures, the structure of the dried foams was smooth and it became more uneven and porous as a result of increasing the temperature. Also, the trend of changes in the parameters of the gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) (energy, correlation, and homogeneity) of the samples was almost the same with the changes in temperature and thickness so that, the increase in the drying temperature and a decrease in the thickness of the samples led to a decrease in these parameters. Increasing the foam thickness at high temperatures led to a decrease in the browning index and at low temperatures, led to an increase in the browning index of the samples.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Browning index
  • Camel milk cream
  • Drying kinetics
  • Foam mat drying
  • Structure
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