with the collaboration of Iranian Food Science and Technology Association (IFSTA)

Document Type : Research Article


Department of Food Science and Technology, Agriculture Faculty, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.


Due to the need to find new protein sources with considering the fact that the bitter vetch seed has high levels of protein content, physicochemical and mechanical properties of bitter vetch seed and functional properties of its flour were evaluated in this study. The effects of altering the pH on protein solubility, foaming capacity, foaming stability, emulsion capacity and emulsion stability were studied. The average length, width and height of the grains were 3.5638 mm, 3.6197 mm and 3.8365 mm. the arithmetic and the geometric mean diameter, sphericity and the area were 3.6733mm, 3.6701mm, 1. 0318 and 42.405mm2 respectively. The average true density, bulk density and porosity were 1326.6 kg/m3, 0.7962 kg/m3 and 40.2753% respectively. also the average coefficients of static friction of the plywood, glass, rubber, fiberglass and galvanized iron surface layer were 0.4348, 0.1943, 0.4244, 0.3249 and 0.3739 respectively. Flour produced from this seed contains 24% protein and 9% fat. water and oil absorbing capacity were obtained 2.01 ±0.01 and 1.77±0.03 respectively (grams of water or oil per grams of sample). The results also showed that changes in pH, affected the solubility, foaming capacity, foaming stability, emulsion capacity and emulsion stability of bitter vetch flour.


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