with the collaboration of Iranian Food Science and Technology Association (IFSTA)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Food Science, Varamin-Pishva Branch, Islamic Azad University, Varamin, Iran.

2 Department of Agronomy, Varamin – Pishva Branch, Islamic Azad University, Varamin, Iran.


Introduction: The most important treatment for celiac disease is a gluten-free diet throughout the lifetime of the patient. Corn flour is one of the alternatives for wheat flour in baking of bread and bakery products that are of high nutritional value and because of lack of gluten are suitable for people with celiac disease. Moreover, potato flour is one of the best wheat flour alternatives in bread-making and is consistent with that; and now, not only in production of bread but also in production of other bakery products. Hydrocolloids are a branch of additives which are widely used in food industry. One of the most widely used gum in food industry and bakery is hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose gum, which is a derivative of cellulose. Considering the above mentioned facts; the aim of this study was to prepate baguette bread with a mixture of equal parts of corn and potato flour with hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose gum. In this regard, the effect of different levels of gum on qualitative properties of produced baguette bread was investigated.

Materials and methods: Treatments included an equal mix of corn flour and potato flour with 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1% hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose gum were prepared. Different chemical tests such as moisture content determination, ash, proteins, fiber and pH measurement were performed on samples of corn and potato flour and after baking on baguettes bread. Yield of dough and bread was calculated in order to determine the strength of dough, porosity and hollow of bread. To evaluate the organoleptic characteristics of baguette bread samples, the analysis of properties of bread with the five senses were using. Staling test based on sense and instrument method at intervals 24, 48, 72 hours after baking was performed on all samples of gluten-free baguettes. Simon Henry method was used for determining the volume of the sample bread. In order to analyze the results of test, a completely randomized design with three replications was used and the means by Duncan's multiple range test, in probability level a=1% by SPSS software in 16 versions compared.

Results and discussion: According to results, addition of hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose gum causes yield of dough to increase significantly comparing to the control sample. Generally, gums are hydrophilic compoundsand usually they are interacting with water to reduce the spreadability and stability of the presence of water in the system. Also, adding HPMC gum, decreases yield percent of baguette gluten free bread comparing to contrl samples. Reason of diminishing returns of bread samples containing gum is structural nature of HPMC gum that is capable of properly maintaining carbon dioxide. But there was no significant difference in ash and protein that it was for structure of used gum. By adding HPMC gum, water content of samples in compared to C treatment increased due to the high water holding capacity of used gum. Also adding HPMC gum will increase the amount of fiber in samples containing gum compared to instance treatment. Moreover, HPMC gum increases the volume and improve the color appearance of baguette bread samples containing gum in compare to instance treatment (C) but there was no significant difference in uniformity characteristics of back of gluten-free baguettes samples. Its reason is because of gum hydrophilic property which by increasing the viscosity can keep gas in dough and bread. Color improvement of baguette bread samples containing gum is increasing browning reaction because of adding gum. According to the results, HPMC gum at level of 0.75 and 1% of weight had positive impact on internal characteristics of baguette. Increasing porosity of baguette bread containing gum and improving their hole and seeds shape is for gum ability to maintenance of carbon dioxide and increase bread volume, also this gum prevent dry and hardening of bread texture due to water absorption. Aroma of bread is depend on maylard and caramelization reaction, so scent in bread with suitable browning reactions, increased and as gums are effective in increasing browning reactions of maylard so has desired effect on bread aroma. Also more used gum, will reduce water consumption, improve freshness and softening of bread tissue due to the interaction of hydrocolloids with water and reducing water retention during cooking and was thus a positive effect on the texture of bread. According to results, adding HPMC gum in level of 0.75 and 1% causes the staling time to reduce in three 24, 48 and 72 hours after cooking baguette bread containing gum (by sensory and device) compare to the treatment C. Furthermore, adding HPMC gum increases the volume of baguette bread samples containing gum compare to the instance treatment (C). Volume increasing is because of hydrophilic properties of gum that improve dough spread and maintenance of CO2 gas.

Conclusion: According to the results, treatments containing 1% HPMC gum had the highest water content and fiber. The amount of ash and protein in the samples containing hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose to the instance samples had a slight increase, but this difference was not significant. On the other hand treatment containing 1% gum had the highest dough yields and the control sample had the lowest. Also, yields decreased with increasing gum than the control bread. Other treatments containing 1% gum had the highest privilege organoleptic than other treatments. Also according to the staling test results in sensory and device method, at intervals 24, 48 and 72 hours after baking, treatment with 1% gum has the lowest time of staling. Also treatment containing 1% gum had the most volume and the control the lowest one.
