with the collaboration of Iranian Food Science and Technology Association (IFSTA)

Document Type : Research Article


Zanjan University


The pistachio gardens in Iran rival other countries with 280000 hectares and rank first in the world in
terms of annual production 300,000 MTs. Ecological factors for Pistachio planting favor the growth of
Aspergillus flavus which produce aflatoxin as secondary metabolites which reduces Pistachio exports.
It is important to control A. flavus and its aflatoxin production to increase Pistachio exportation in the
country. Soil borne fungi such as Fusarium spp., Phytophthora spp. and verticilium spp. makes also
root rot on pistachio trees which resulted yield reduction. It was necessary to find various ways for
control management of these fungi to control wilting and inhibit toxic production on pistachio. Soil
solarization and biological control application were two best methods for controlling soil borne fungi
and A. flavus which are used in many countries. We used soil solarization method for controlling soil
borne fungal pathogens in Kerman Application of this method reduced population density of the
pathogen from 1100 CFU –g/soil to 300 after 2 weeks and reduced to 100 CFU –g/soil after 4 weeks.
This method was simple, effective, no side effect and economic which can be used in nearly warm
Keyword: Control, Soil solarization, Aspergillus flavus, Pistachio