with the collaboration of Iranian Food Science and Technology Association (IFSTA)

Document Type : Research Article


Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


Cucumber is an economically important crop, containing vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and flavonoids. However, due to loss of weight and firmness, microbial contamination, mechanical damage, and yellowing, the storage duration of cucumber is limited to 3–5 days at room temperature. Therefore, pretreatments are crucial for prolonging its shelf life. Chitosan is a cationic polysaccharide and can interact electrostatically with anionic, partially demethylated pectin. Besides, chitosan has inhibitory effects on fungal rot and prevents weight loss in fruits. Pectin can form excellent films. Because of increasing demand to reduce synthetic chemicals as antimicrobial agents, substances derived from plants, such as essential oils, can play a significant role in the future.  Several essential oils and essential oil components have shown antimicrobial activity against spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms during fruit and vegetable storage. Essential oils of thyme and cinnamon contained phenolic groups have been found to be most consistently effective against microorganisms, however, essential oils are volatile and irritant. Therefore, forming an inclusion complex using b-cyclodextrin can improve solubility, control volatile, and induce off-flavors and unpleasant odor of the essential oils. The objectives of this study were to develop the microencapsulated thymol (thyme) and trans-cinnamaldehyde (cinnamon) essential oils to produce antimicrobial agents and subsequently evaluate the effectiveness of edible coating made of chitosan and pectin containing microencapsulated trans-cinnamaldehyde or thymol essential oils to improve qualitative and quantitative characteristics and shelf life of cucumber.
Materials and Methods
The inclusion complexes of trans-cinnamaldehyde and thymol in beta-cyclodextrin (CD) were prepared separately by freeze-drying. Each essential oil was dispersed in 1000 ml of beta-cyclodextrin aqueous solution (16 mmol/L, 18.15 g) in molecular ratio 1:1 (2.4 gr thymol, 2.11 gr trans-cinnamaldehyde) and mixed in a laboratory stirrer for 24 hour at room temperature , then frozen (-70 ºc) and freeze-dried (<20Pa, 48 h). Lyophilized samples were stored inside a freezer (-20 ºc) until further use. Cucumbers cv. Nagene with uniform size, appearance, ripeness and without mechanical damage or fungal contamination were selected. Then They were then sanitized by immersion in chlorine solution (150 mg/kg) for 1 min and air dried. Edible coatings were prepared as three immersion solutions of chitosan, pectin, and calcium chloride (CaCl2). The fruits were coated with pectin (1%) and chitosan (0-0.5%-1%) containing beta-cyclodextrin microencapsulated trans-Cinnamaldehyde or thymol each (0-0.25%-0.5%). After coating by chitosan, the fruits were immersed in 1% Calcium chloride solution to induce crosslinking reaction. After dipping step, fruits dried for 8 minutes at room temperature to remove the excess solution attached to the surface .Uncoated fruits served as control. Then fruits were preserved in cold storage (temperature: 10ºc; relative humidity: 90-95%) for 15 days. chemical (total soluble solids, titratable acidity) and physical (total color difference, Hardness, and weight loss) Characterization of fruits were measured immediately after harvest and after 5, 10 and15 days. Microbial tests (total count, mold, and yeast) were done at the end of preservation time. Analytical data were subjected to analysis of variance and factorial adopted completely randomized design and a Duncan comparison test was used.
Results and Discussion
The results showed that weight loss, total soluble solids, and the total color difference increased and hardness and titratable acidity decreased gradually in all samples during cold storage (<0.05). Chitosan and essential oils slowed down this rising or decreasing trends. Interactive effects of chitosan, essential oil type, essential oil concentration, and storage time had positive effects on these quality attributes. The fruits coated with the highest concentration of chitosan (1%) and thymol (0.5%) essential oils showed the least weight loss, loss of hardness, and color change throughout 15 days of storage. Besides thymol in comparison with trans-Cinnamaldehyde was more efficient to prevent yeasts and molds on the surface of cucumber. By increasing chitosan and essential oil amounts, the ability of inhibiting microbial growth by coating is enhanced.
The results of chemical, physical and microbial tests, showed that multi-layer coating solution containing chitosan 1% with thymol 0.5% was effective in extending the shelf life of cucumber. The combined usage of microencapsulated thymol essential oil and chitosan-based coating on cucumber could be considered a healthy and effective treatment that reduces microbial spoilage and preserves quality and color characteristics in cucumber and represents an innovative method for commercial application. Therefore, this coating can be used as an alternative to chemical fungicides to prevent fungal rot of cucumber and other fruits, however, it is suggested that more studies should be done in this field.


Main Subjects

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