with the collaboration of Iranian Food Science and Technology Association (IFSTA)

How to submit an article

After registering on the journal's website (https://ifstrj.um.ac.ir), the corresponding author of the article should enter the 'Submit a New Manuscript' section and carefully fill in all the requested information.

When submitting your article, you need to upload the following files:

  1. Title page: (including Authors’ name, academic position, and affiliations in English language and Persian (only for Farsi manuscript), corresponding author’s email and phone number). The title page must be uploaded separately from the main text.
  2. Main manuscript: (in *.doc or *.docx format) prepared according to the journal’s requested format.
  3. Authorship Statement Form: When submitting a manuscript to the Iranian Food Science and Technology Research Journal, all contributing authors are required to complete, sign, and submit an Authorship Statement Form. This form verifies that the manuscript represents authentic and valid work, and that neither this manuscript nor one with significantly similar content under their authorship has been published or is being considered for publication elsewhere, including electronically in the same form, in English or in other languages, without the written consent of the copyright holder. All authors must agree to allow the corresponding author to serve as the primary correspondent with the editorial office, review the edited manuscript, and proofread it. Additionally, the corresponding author is required to specify each author's contribution to the work described in the manuscript.
  4. Conflicts of Interest Form: A Conflict of Interest is defined as a set of conditions in which professional judgment concerning a primary interest, such as the validity of research, may be influenced by a secondary interest, such as financial gain. A Conflict of Interest Disclosure is an agreement or declaration by the author(s) that they have not been paid for the work, or if they have, stating the source of their payment. The Conflict of Interest Disclosure provides readers of the manuscript with information about authors' interests that could influence how they receive the work. The author(s) are obliged to submit a Conflicts of Interest form and assume responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the submitted manuscript. The Conflict of Interest Disclosure form must be signed by all authors, and it must be stated whether permission has been received to use any material in the manuscript, such as tables, figures, etc., or whether no permission is necessary to publish the authors' work.
  5. To prevent plagiarism, IFSTRJ all the articles written by the authors themselves for Persian texts using a system similar to Hemayab scientific text finder, Irandoc or Iran paper and Latin texts (English articles and English abstracts of the articles) using the iThenticate system or Iran paper have been compared. It is necessary for the authors to send the similarity file along with the article file, and if the similarity percentage is more than 20%, the article will not be reviewed.

Ethics in Publishing

Read Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement for the Iranian Food Science and Technology Research Journal (IFSTRJ) here

Peer-Review Process

See Peer Review Process in the Iranian Food Science and Technology Research Journal here

Manuscript Preparation

This journal accepts articles in three categories: Research article, Research notes or Short communications (including reporting of results with limited content of discussion), and Review article (including specific topics with the corresponding author or authors specializing in that topic and containing at least 20% references to the studies of the corresponding author or authors in that field), in two optional languages: Persian or English. Manuscripts must be submitted as a Word document (*.doc or *.docx) for the refereeing process and should be formatted in a single column, not double column. All figures, tables, and supplementary data should be embedded and included in the main manuscript file. Moreover, all manuscripts must contain essential elements such as Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Author contributions, Funding sources, Acknowledgement, and References. For articles written in Persian, authors must provide an extended abstract in English. For more information, please refer to the link provided.

Please ensure that your text is written in good English, whether it follows American or British usage. Avoid mixing the two styles. To submit an error-free manuscript, we strongly advise authors to use spell-check and grammar-check tools. Authors whose first language is not English should make sure their manuscript is written in idiomatic English prior to submission. This can be achieved by seeking help and advice from English editing companies..


The importance of the abstract is clear, as it is the section that readers view first to gain a general understanding of the article. The abstract should be written in a single paragraph and should not exceed 300 words. It should state the main purpose, methodology, and findings of the study and appear as standalone writing.


Please provide three to five keywords that can be used for indexing purposes. These keywords should not repeat words from the manuscript title, contain abbreviations, or be excessively long. The keywords should be written in alphabetical order and separated by commas.


The introduction should consist of two to three paragraphs, depending on the type or category of information being presented, as well as the study's motivation and objectives. It is essential to provide adequate background information on the research field and highlight the main reasons and objectives of the study in this section. The date and location of the research carried out may be mentioned at the end of this section.

Materials and Methods

A clear description of the research design overview is essential. Cite previously published procedures and provide detailed descriptions of methods used in the paper, including the types of analyses employed. This section should include subheadings for materials, method or procedure employed, location and region of study, analytical procedure, etc. Write in the past tense with passive voice and avoid stating any study findings.

Results and Discussion

The Results and Discussion section should describe the outcomes of the study and provide an adequate interpretation of the results. Data should be presented concisely, preferably in the form of tables or figures, but large tables should be avoided. The Discussion should interpret the results and their significance in reference to previous works. It is important to note that SI units and symbols must be used throughout the manuscript.

The Results and Discussion section should include the following:

  • It should be brief but well-represented, avoiding overly wordy explanations.
  • To organize data in a methodical way, use Tables to show exact values, and Figures to depict patterns or variable effects.
  • The figures and tables should be standalone to ensure that readers can understand them without referring to the text.
  • Do not display the same data in both Table and Figure.
  • It is often instructive to discuss potential flaws in interpretations.
  • Show how your findings and interpretations align or differ from previously published works.
  • Discuss both theoretical and practical implications.
  • At the end of this section, discuss various works in the literature that cover this topic and explain how this work contributes to the larger field of research.


Tables and graphs should not be submitted as photographs or images. Tables should be embedded within the text and should not contain internal horizontal or vertical lines. Each table should have a clear and logical structure with consecutive numerical order (i.e., 1, 2, 3, etc.). Subtitles should provide enough information so that each table can be understood without referring to the text. For each table, include a caption that explains its components. If any previously published material is included, provide the original source as a reference at the end of the table caption. Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lowercase letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data) and should be placed beneath the table body.


Figures and illustrations should be of high quality and embedded within the text. Do not submit or upload them as separate files into the account dashboard. Ensure that figures are clear, labeled accurately, and of a size that can be reproduced legibly in the journal. The following guidelines should be applied to figures:

  • Each figure should have a concise caption that accurately describes what the figure depicts. Include the captions as text of the manuscript and do not embed them in the figure.
  • Figure captions should begin with the term "Fig."
  • Do not use punctuation at the end of the caption.
  • Identify all elements found in the figure in the figure caption, and use boxes, circles, etc., as coordinate points in graphs.


The introduction, followed by a concise description of the results and discussion points, is the most crucial element of the conclusion. The conclusion section should also highlight the research's uniqueness, limitations, and recommendations for future research. Lastly, authors should present an overall summary of their research without reference to any literature. 

Author contributions

Corresponding authors are required to acknowledge co-author contributions roles:

  • Conceptualization
  • Data curation
  • Formal analysis
  • Funding acquisition
  • Investigation
  • Methodology
  • Project administration
  • Resources
  • Software
  • Supervision
  • Validation
  • Visualization
  • Writing – original draft
  • Writing – review and editing

Funding sources

Authors must disclose any funding sources who have been used for the conduct of the research and/or preparation of the article. The role of sponsors, if any, should be declared in relation to the study design, collection, analysis and interpretation of data, writing of the report and decision to submit the article for publication.

If no funding has been provided for the research, it is recommended to include the following sentence:

  • This research did not has receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.


Acknowledgments of people, funds with official numbers, etc., should be compulsorily placed in this section.


All abbreviations and symbols used in the manuscript text should be defined at first use in the text. Abbreviations should be avoided in the abstract. Additionally, a list of all abbreviations (nomenclatures) used in the manuscript must be provided in alphabetical order.


Throughout the manuscript text, all references should be cited following the APA reference style and organized alphabetically and chronologically in the Reference section. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list. It is recommended that authors refer to recent references from the last 10 years instead of older, outdated ones. We strongly advise using a reference management tool such as EndNote when preparing the bibliography and citations within the text. For more information and examples, please refer to our Author Guide.