with the collaboration of Iranian Food Science and Technology Association (IFSTA)

Document Type : Research Article-en


1 Islamic Azad University

2 Department of Chemistry, Shoushtar Branch, Islamic Azad university, Shoushtar, Iran

3 Bu-Ali Sina University


In this research, an experimental and modeling study on mass transfer analysis during infrared drying of quince was undertaken. In the experimental part, the effects of various drying conditions in terms of infrared radiation power (150-375 W) and distance (5-15 cm) on drying characteristics of quince were investigated. Both the infrared power and distance influenced the drying time of quince slices. Moisture ratios were fitted to 8 different mathematical models using nonlinear regression analysis. The regression results showed that the logarithmic model satisfactorily described the drying behavior of quince slices with highest R value and lowest SE values. The effective moisture diffusivity increases as power increases and range between 1.15 and 3.72 ×10-8 m2/s. The rise in infrared power has a negative effect on the ΔE and with increasing in infrared radiation power it was increased. Chroma and hue values were in ranges between 43.28 and 46.99, 80.82° and 86.14°, respectively.

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