with the collaboration of Iranian Food Science and Technology Association (IFSTA)

Aims and Scope

Iranian Food Science and Technology Research Journal publishes papers covering various aspects of food science and technology, including food engineering, food technology, food biotechnology, and food chemistry. The papers include full research papers, short research papers (research notes), and new review papers. They should contain novel information, make an impact, be of high scientific quality, and present scientific or technological advances in the specific areas of interest to the journal, thereby leading to an increase in the journal's international reputation. The aims of this journal are reviewed annually so that it can keep pace with developments in this field.

 The topics of interest to the journal are:

A. Food engineering

 Engineering properties of food

 Food physics

 Physical chemistry

 Biophysical analysis of food

 Engineering the design and production of novel foods

 Design and operation of food processes

 Food nanotechnology

B. Food technology

Food science

     Sensory food science

   Emerging technologies

   Food processes

   Food measurement

   Food control

   Food packaging

   Food storage and distribution

C. Food chemistry

Carbohydrate chemistry

 Lipid chemistry

Protein chemistry

Food biochemistry

Instrumental measurement methods

 Chemistry of bioactive compounds

Chemistry of food additives

D. Food biotechnology

Food microbiology

Food safety

Food toxicology

Microbial ecology of food

Food spoilage

Probiotics and starter cultures

Predictive microbiology

Microbial risk assessment

Microbiological and immunological examination of food

New identification methods

Genetic manipulation of microorganisms