with the collaboration of Iranian Food Science and Technology Association (IFSTA)

Document Type : Full Research Paper


Department of Food Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz branch, Tabriz, Iran


 Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annum) has a very important place among the vegetables produced in the world. Therefore, it is necessary to apply practical solutions to increase their sustainability to develop and improve production. The growing consumer rejection of chemical additives and the demand for more natural products have increased attention to some methods, including the drying method. One of the physical changes that occur during the drying of food is its reduction in volume. Vacuum drying is a method in which water and other solvents that have been absorbed into the volume or surface of the material are removed. Combining vacuum with heating can be an effective way to dry; because in this case, a high level of dryness can be achieved without the need for a large increase in temperature. A thermal process that is applied to vegetables and fruits as a pre-process step for freezing, drying and canning to inactivating enzymes, modifying texture, preserving flavor and nutrients, and extracting Interstitial air. 
Materials and Methods
 This study aimed to investigate the impact of various factors ethyloleate (concentrations 0,2,4%), sodium chloride(concentrations 0,2,4%) and blanching on the drying kinetics, physical properties, chemical composition and nutrients of green bell pepper, dried under vacuum at 60°C and pressure of 10 kpa using the response surface methodology. At the end of the drying time, 10 g of the treated samples were weighted to investigate the drying kinetics and the rest of the samples were kept for analysis. To achieve the drying kinetics, the samples were taken out of the oven (Behdad Company, model 3494, made in Iran) at 30 minute intervals and weighed by a digital scale, and dried down to moisture content of 12% ., and then for relevant analyzes on dried samples, the samples were stored in plastic packages until the day of experiments. Investigation of independent and interaction effects of immersion in different concentrations of sodium chloride and ethyloleate solution on the kinetics and drying time separately in blanching and non-blanching samples on the parameters of color, chlorophyll content, phenolic substances and vitamin C remaining in dried Sweet peppers were evaluated using minitab16 software and response level method (RSM).
Results and Discussion
 The results showed that the drying process occur in the range of falling rate and also effect blanching in boiling water for 3 minutes and immersed in an alkaline solution of ethyloleate and sodium chloride with concentrations of 2 and 4% for 1 minute, significantly increase the drying rate. In blanching and treated samples with 4% ethyloleate and sodium chloride, the drying time was about 3.5 hours, while the control sample was dried under the same conditions for 7.5 hours. Pretreatment of samples, showed the chlorophyll content, phenolic compounds and vitamin C were higher than the control sample. Due to the effectiveness of ethyloleate in the protection of ascorbic acid, phenolic compounds and residual chlorophyll, the highest amount of ascorbic acid with a value of 39.77 was related to the samples treated in ethyloleate solution with a concentration of 4% and 4% NaCl and the minimum value of 17.98 was related to the control treatment. The highest amount of residual chlorophyll was 23.6 in the pretreated samples with a concentration of 4% ethyloleate and 4% NaCl and the lowest amount was related to the control sample with a concentration of 12.9%. The color of the dried samples showed that the lowest amount of color changes was related to the non-blanching sample with 4% ethyloleate and 4% NaCl with a value of 4.94. While the blanching and ethyloleate solution had no positive effect on the color of pepper and dried samples were dark. Comparison of blanching with non-blanching shows that blanching samples cause darkening of the primary color of the samples.The best sample in terms of quality and speed of drying, was belonged to the samples which blanched, treated with 4% solution of ethyloleate and sodium chloride.
 In order to achieve the best quality in vacuum drying of pepper samples, pretreatments of blanching and using a concentration of 4% solution of ethyloleate and sodium chloride showed the most desirable quality. The best quality of dried samples were obtained when subjected to constant temperature and pressure during drying conditions. The benefits obtained using the pretreatment of ethyloleate and sodium chloride as an appropriate method of drying include increasing the absorption of water, keeping the chlorophyll, phenolic compounds and vitamin C content with time-saving in drying.


Main Subjects

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