نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی
1 دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد سبزوار
2 گروه علوم و صنایع غذایی، دانشکده کشاورزی، دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد، مشهد، ایران.
3 دانشگاه علوم کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی گرگان
4 موسسه آموزش عالی بهاران
در این پژوهش ویژگیهای فیزیکوشیمیایی، بافتی، حسی و رئولوژیکی سس مایونز کمکالری با استفاده از ماست موردبررسی قرار گرفت. چربی مایونز در سطوح 25، 50 و 75 درصد با استفاده از ماست جایگزین گردید و نمونههای مایونز بهترتیب با اسامی SM1 (25 درصد جایگزینی چربی)، SM2 (50 درصد جایگزینی چربی) و SM3 (75 درصد جایگزینی چربی) نامگذاری شدند. نمونه حاوی 66 درصد روغن نیز بهعنوان شاهد درنظر گرفته شد. نتایج حاصل از آزمایشهای شیمیایی نشان داد که میزان کالری محاسباتی تمامی نمونههای مایونز کمچرب بهطور معنیداری کمتر از نمونه شاهد بود، اما حاوی مقادیر بیشتری رطوبت بودند. از نظر ویژگیهای بافتی کمترین میزان سفتی مربوط به نمونه SM3 بود. میزان ویسکوزیته نمونههای مایونز کمچرب نیز در مقایسه با نمونه شاهد کمتر بود. بهلحاظ ویژگیهای رئولوژیکی در تمامی نمونهها مدول ذخیره بیشتر از مدول افت بود درنتیجه همه نمونهها در گروه مواد ویسکوالاستیک جامد طبقهبندی شدند. همچنین تانژانت افت در نمونههای مایونز کمچرب بیشتر از نمونه شاهد بود که بیانگر گرایش رفتار این نمونهها به رفتار شبهمایع میباشد. در ارزیابی حسی بالاترین میزان پذیرش کلی مربوط به نمونه SM3 و SM2 بود، این مطلب بیانگر این موضوع میباشد که ماست میتواند جایگزین چربی مناسبی در فرمولاسیون سس مایونز باشد.
عنوان مقاله [English]
Physicochemical, textural, sensory and rheological properties of low-calorie mayonnaise with dairy-based
نویسندگان [English]
- Amin Rangriz 1
- Seyed Ali Mortazavi 2
- Morteza Khomeiri 3
- Soheil Amiri 4
1 Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar Branch
2 Department of Food Science and Technology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.
3 Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
4 Baharan Institute of Higher Education
چکیده [English]
Traditional mayonnaise is probably one of the oldest and most widely used sauces in all over the world. Mayonnaise is a product with particular consistency and is classified as a type of oil in water emulsions. Vegetable oil, acetic acid, and egg yolk are main components of mayonnaise. In addition, mayonnaise may contain salt, sweeteners, spices, effective flavor materials, preservatives and stabilizers. It must contain at least 78.5 % of total fat and 6 % pureegg yolk. Due tohigh levels of oil present in mayonnaise, continuous usageof this product may result in diseases such as obesity,arteriosclerosis, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.Therefore, consumers tend to consume low-fat products.
Yoghurt is a very useful fermented milk products in terms of lactic acid bacteria that have beneficial effects on human health and Because of the similarity between this productand mayonnaise in terms of rheological properties, Yoghurt have been selected as a fat mimetic in mayonnaise.Therefore, the objective of present study was to investigate the effects of partial fat substitutionby yoghurt on physicochemical, rheological and sensory properties of low fat mayonnaise.
Materials and methods
Mayonnaise preparation
One kilogram of each mayonnaise sample was prepared.Different recipes of mayonnaise contained yoghurt asfat mimetic (as % of oil and yoghurt) including (49.5 % & 25%), (33% & 50%), (16.5% & 75%). All formulations contained 13 % Egg yolk, 10 % Vinegar, 1 %Mustard, 1 % common salt ,4 % sugar , sodium benzoate 0.07 % , Xanthan gum 0.2%.Mayonnaise preparation procedure was as follows; firstlyegg and vinegar were mixed together and then all otherIngredients(including Yoghurt for the low fatmayonnaise recipes) except oil were added and mixed well. The oil was finally poured insidethe mixer very slowly and homogenized for 1 min. Subsamples (250 g) of mayonnaise were aseptically transferredto sterile 250 ml, Duran glass bottles withpolypropylenescrew caps and left for one-day at 5 °C.
Proximate composition analysis
Moisture, protein, and ash contents were determined accordingto AOAC (2005) official methods. Fat content wasmeasured by Bligh and Dyer (1959) method, and totalcarbohydrate content was calculated by difference.
Rheological measurements
Rheological measurements were performed after 24 hstorage using a Brookfield viscometer Model RVDV-IIwith aspindle no.6 at 5 °C and 25 °C. Shear stress data wereplotted versus shear rate for each mayonnaise sample ata range of spindle speed (10–200 rpm). Plots of Lnshear stress versus Ln shear rate (for each sample) werethen used to calculate values including flow behaviorindex (n) andconsistency coefficient (K).
Texture analysis
Mayonnaise samples were stored in refrigerator for 24 huntil texture analysis. The measurements were carriedout using a Brookfield texture analyzer (BrookfieldLFRA texture analyzer model number 4500 texture prolite) equipped with a 38 mm diameter cylindrical probeat 25 °C.
The condition of the analysis was as follows; one cyclewas applied, at a constant crosshead velocity of 1 mm/s to asample depth of 30 mm, and then returned. From the resultingforce-time curve, the values for texture attributes, i.e.firmness, adhesiveness, and consistency were obtained usingtexture pro lit software.
pH measurement and stability test
pH was determined using AOAC standard method at 25 °C. The samples were assessed for the stability
test after 24 h storage at 35 °C. Mayonnaise stability wasdetermined after centrifugation (10 min, 2,500 rpm), andwas expressed as the volume of separated phase to the totalemulsion volume.
Color measurement
Mayonnaise samples were measured for color in the L*, a*,b* system using a Lovibond Colorimeter.
Sensory analysis
After 1 day storage Sensory characteristics including appearance,color, odor, texture, taste, and overall acceptabilitywere evaluated by 14 semi-trained panel on 5-point hedonicscale (1 = the least or the lowest; 5 = the most or thehighest).
Statistical analysis
All the tests were performed in triplicate. The data collectedwere analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA),and significant differences of means were compared usingDuncan test at 5 % significance level using SAS softwareprogram.
Results and Discussion: In present study, physicochemical, texture, sensory and rheological properties were evaluated in mayonnaise formulation with dairy-based. Fat was partially substituted by yoghurt at levels of 25, 50 and 75% which were referred respectively as SM1 (25% fat substitution level), SM2 (50% fat substitution level) and SM3 (75% fat substitution level) and the full fat mayonnaise (S) with 66 % oil was used as control sample. Results indicated that low-fat mayonnaise samples had considerably lower energy content compared with control sample, but higher water content than it. In terms of texture, SM3 had lower hardness compared with control sample. The samples exhibited thixotropic and shear thinning behavior through rheological studies and all samples were classified in the group of solid viscoelastic materials because, in all samples, storage modulus was greater than loss modulus. Also, the loss tangent of low-fat mayonnaise samples were higher than the control sample which reflects the tendency of these samples behavior to pseudo-liquid behavior. Results of sensory evaluation demonstrated that SM2 and SM3samples, were more acceptable. It was concluded that yoghurt can be used as a suitable fat replacer in mayonnaise formulation.
کلیدواژهها [English]
- Low-fat mayonnaise
- Yoghurt
- Viscoelastic Properties
- Flow behavior
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